Sunday, July 13, 2014

I see you for the miracle you are & the gifts you have to give.

There are 7 billion people in the world and 6,999,999,999 of them are not me.

Who are these people?

They are miracles. Each and every one.
What if we saw each and every person as a miracle?
How would we speak, how would we listen, how would we act?
What if part of our own miracle is that our impact is much bigger than we ever imagined even in a world of 7 billion people? What if we didn't dismiss our impact? What if we owned it? What if we were aware and realized how much our words and actions mattered? What if each positive influence nudge helps a person become who they were meant to be?

What if we embraced the fact that we matter?

Educator Angela Maiers (@AngelaMaiers) reminds us of the power of the words: "You matter." in her TEDxTalk:  Angela Maiers: TEDxDesMoines - You Matter

Principal Salome Thomas-EL(@Principal_EL) speaks to our influence in terms of leadership: "Leadership is about inspiring others to find worth in themselves."

We are all leaders; all 7 billion of us because we all have influence.
You matter. Your work matters. Your impact matters. How you view others matters.
Let's see each other for the miracles we are and the gifts we have to give the world.

Thank you to Angela Maiers and Salome Thomas-EL for your inspiration and leadership. You matter.

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